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Grupa TIENS Stanie się w Przyszłości Globalnym Uczestnikiem Masowego Przemysłu Medycznego


Jak ogłoszono z dumą przez Prezesa Grupy TIENS Li Jinyuan na Forum Rozwoju Przemysłu Opieki Zdrowotnej Pasa i Drogi w Erze Post Pandemicznej, które odbyło się w Tianjin w Chinach, Grupa TIENS ma dużą szansę na to, aby zostać jednym z przodujących światowych uczestników olbrzymiego przemysłu medycznego w przyszłości.

Tiens Group Uluslararası Sağlık Endüstrisi Forumunu Düzenledi


Çin'deki en etkili çok uluslu şirketlerden biri olan Tiens Group, 1995 yılından gümüze kadar insanların daha iyi yaşamasına yardımcı olma hedefine sadık kalmıştır. Başlangıçta, Tiens Group'un ana ürünleri kalsiyum gibi sağlıklı ürünleri barındırmaktaydı. Ancak şimdiye kadar sınır ötesi e-ticaret, uluslararası turizm, canlı yayın ve terminal ekipmanları mağazaları gibi birçok çeşitli endüstrilerde

SmartMesh announces appointment of Soh Har Pang as VP of Business Development


Singapore, 1st August 2021 – Singapore-based blockchain company, SmartMesh Foundation Pte Ltd (SmartMesh), announces the appointment of Soh Har Pang as VP of Business Development.

El Grupo TIENS se Convertirá en un Participante Global en la Futura Industria Sanitaria Masiva


Tianjing, China - Como anunció con orgullo el presidente del Grupo TIENS, Li Jinyuan, en el Foro de Desarrollo de la Industria Sanitaria de la Franja y la Ruta en la Era Post-Pandémica, celebrado en Tianjin (China), el Grupo TIENS está preparado para convertirse en uno de los principales participantes mundiales en la futura industria sanitaria masiva.

O Grupo TIENS se Tornará um Player Global na Futura indústria de Saúde em Massa


Tianjing, China - Como o Presidente do Grupo TIENS, Li Jinyuan, anunciou orgulhosamente no Fórum de Desenvolvimento da Indústria de Saúde em Tianjin, China, o Grupo TIENS está pronto para se tornar um dos líderes mundiais no futuro da indústria de saúde em massa.

TIENS Group will Become a Global Participant in the Future Massive Health Industry


As announced proudly by TIENS Group’s Chairman Li Jinyuan in the Health Industry Development Forum of the Belt and Road in the Post-pandemic Era held in Tianjin, China, TIENS Group is poised to become one of main global participants in the future massive health industry.

TüV-certified COVID-19 Antigen Online Test App Launched in Europe


Recently, the online COVID-19 self-testing APP developed by Hotgen and COTEON GmbH has been certified by TüV and officially landed in Europe.

VTL virtual life | building game application ecology to help the digital transformation of the industry


Globalization has entered the 4.0 era, and intelligent technology has triggered great changes

Tiens Group Held An International Health Industry Forum


As one of the most influential multinational enterprises in China, Tiens Group has been adhering to the development goal of helping people living better since 1995 until now. At the very beginning, the main products of Tiens Group included such healthy products as calcium products. But it has so far developed diversified industries concerning many fields such as cross-border e-commerce, internatio

TIENS Group will Become a Global Participant in the Future Massive Health Industry


As announced proudly by TIENS Group’s Chairman Li Jinyuan in the Health Industry Development Forum of the Belt and Road in the Post-pandemic Era held in Tianjin, China, TIENS Group is poised to become one of main global participants in the future massive health industry.

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