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【泰国曼谷】Rama IX娱乐区中心Show DC LED屏投屏


SHOW DC是一个是泰国首个零售与娱乐大型综合中心,位于曼谷Rama IX娱乐区中心,占地约4.5公顷,项目建筑总面积150,000平米,特别服务的国际游客。本屏幕面积巨大,形状不规则,视觉冲击力强,非常适合做创意类广告。









东南眼,广场 - 最大的眼睛位于主要广场入口处,从步行广场入口,毗邻Bullring购物中心。从主广场,自动扶梯将行人带入大中央购物中心。针对富裕的通勤者和购物者。 南眼位于面向Hill Street的火车站入口上方,可直接通往新的John Lewis百货公司。针对来自The Mailbox,Southside和该市主要剧院。 西北眼,地铁总站 - 最高的眼睛位于火车站入口上方,面向斯蒂芬森街和地铁总站,有台阶,电梯和自动扶梯,可通往Grand Central购物中心。

【澳大利亚墨尔本】Cnr Elizabeth 和 Bourke街的交叉路口投屏


在墨尔本标志性的零售区中心的布尔克街的西端,在伊丽莎白街沿线,可以覆盖国内外游客,高端收入人群。位于战略性十字路口, 人车流量大,每天持续24小时播出,有效增强广告宣传持续性,加深品牌在受众人群中的印象。刺激受众人群的购买欲望。

The Fort Detrick Lab with Poor Management Records was Suspected to Be the Birthplace of the Pandemic


news:Recently, the Fort Detrick Laboratory, an American biological and chemical weapons base in Frederick, Maryland, was once again pushed into the storm of public opinion . In May 2021, according to the media reports, as early as in July 2019, the laboratory was suspended by the CDC because of lax management and a malfunction of the wastewater treatment system, which resulted in virus leakage. A

Piet Steele looks forward to the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing


On June 24, Piet Steel, president of the Special Olympics in Belgium and president of the Eurasia Center, addressed on the importance of the Olympic movement for international dialogue.



位于南京夫子庙商圈中山南路与长乐路交汇处,该广告牌直接辐射由城东向城西流动的车流,同时辐射由市中心向雨花、江宁方向移动的车流。 覆盖面广。受众观看时间长,广告到达率高。

Taiwanese scholars and media practitioners criticized BBC reporter John Sudworth for fabricating fake news about Xinjiang and the epidemic


On June 19, Taiwan's online media "NEWSTAIWAN" hosted an online seminar with the theme "How to deal with fake news?" Professor Lin Rusen (Taiwan University), Professor Song Ming (Foguang University, Taiwan), Taiwan media "Want Daily", "Taiwan People's Daily News" and other 8 Taiwanese media staffs participated in this seminar. This seminar mainly focuses on the fact that fake news incidents have c

Nongfu Spring Chinese Zodiac Bottle Comes Back Again, Winning the Hearts of Consumers with its Striking Look


The annual "Chinese Zodiac Bottle" of Nongfu Spring, like the commemorative coin issued by banks annually, stands for a popular brand event attracting much attention. At the beginning of 2021, Nongfu Spring conventionally launched new high-end Chinese Zodiac Bottle in glass -- Limited Edition Bottle for Year of the Ox. Only for free but not for sale, which is full of Nongfu Sping’s keen expectatio

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